
Donations are gratefully received and we thank you deeply for your generosity.

Donations contribute to the many free offerings from Julie, to help pay for the hire fees for the rooms to run free events, weekly talks and meditation groups, to a fund to help offer reduced rates and scholarships to retreats and programs and to a pay it forward program to offer sessions to those who need assistance.

Your own Self Realisation is the greatest gift you can render the world.

Ramana Marharshi

“The universe takes you by the heart and leads the way home.”

— Julie Blackley

What People Are Saying


“In challenging times you need clear, concise leadership. I hope our leaders listen to the Evolutionary Teachers of this world like Julie.”

— Janine Kingston | Home Education Society Australasia

“ Waking meditation approach changed my life. Thank you Julie. ”

— David Spiegle | Nurse Canberra Australia